Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

The gift from God to me

Happy Mothers day semua
Semoga kita tetap menyayangi Ibu kita selama masih hidup
Jangan lupa doakan ibumu karena Ibu selalu mendoakan kita agar sesuai harapannya

The gift from God to me
Created by : Armaphrodite

God ,
Thank you to gave me wonderful gift
A woman with angel face
I called she is Mom

When I saw her face
She look like full of kind
She always care me
From baby until now

When I saw her pray to God
She always asked God to protect me from crime
Protect me from bad thing
And do religious guidance

God ,
I very thanks to you
Because of you
I feel this feel and love from your Gift to me

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